Home > Key Stage One > Maths > Number > Addition
Addition Measurement Sums

This maths scheme of work for Key Stage One gets the children to practise mental and informal written techniques for addition calculations to solve problems involving measurements for length, mass and capacity. The class can explain how to use partitioning to make it easier to solve an addition number problem.

Garden Planting
Select and record the height in whole centimetres of different pairs of plants and flowers that have been planted in a family garden

Pizza Toppings
Select and record the mass of different food toppings that could be added to a favourite pizza by using addition number calculation skills
Addition Measurement Sums
Practise mental and informal written techniques for addition calculations to solve problems involving measurements for length, mass and capacity
Addition Sums Ten
Use concrete equipment, diagrams and informal calculations to identify, match and record pairs of different numbers that make sums to ten
Family Easter
Identify and model how to compose sentences using the correct punctuation for capital letters to describe special things that families can do to celebrate Easter
Mystery Pets
Write and edit poems using patterned language about some of the different wild animals that could be kept as pets by a family