Unit D – Length and Height

This maths scheme of work for Key Stage Two gets the children to measure the length and height of different objects in metres, centimetres and millimetres using different measuring tools and equipment. The class can identify the best units to use when measuring the length and height of different objects.

Measure the length and height of different objects in metres, centimetres and millimetres using different measuring tools and equipment

Lesson One : Class Heights

Measure, record and compare the height of different pupils in the class using measurement units in metres and centimetres

Lesson Two : Millimetres and Centimetres

Practise measuring the length of different objects that can be found in the classroom using measurements recorded in millimetres and centimetres

Lesson Three : Millimetres Match

Explain and model how to use rulers correctly to measure the length of different objects in millimetres and centimetres accurately

Lesson Four : Ruler Lengths

Identify and model how to use rulers correctly to measure the lengths of different objects in millimetres and centimetres accurately

Lesson Five : Length Changes

Explain and record how to convert the lengths of different classroom objects between measurements in millimetres and centimetres

  • Angle Measurements

    Angle Measurements

    Identify, classify and record the value of different types of acute, obtuse and straight line angles using protractors

  • Angle Instructions

    Angle Instructions

    Identify and illustrate how to use a protractor correctly to measure the value of different acute angles in degrees

  • Acute Angles

    Acute Angles

    Explain and model how to estimate and measure the value of different acute angles in degree measurements using a protractor

  • Compass Turns

    Compass Turns

    Identify and describe some of the different angles that can be produced when making turns between a range of points on a compass