Lesson Three – Sentence Links

This English teaching pack for Key Stage Two gets the children to practise using conjunctions to link different sentence clauses about some of the characters that feature in a story that takes place in a school.
The class can identify and record how to use the conjunctions and or because to extend sentences related to the story to indicate some of the things that happened to the characters in the narrative.
Download this teaching pack including a lesson plan, classroom activities and an interactive presentation to practise using conjunctions to link different sentence clauses about some of the characters that feature in a story that takes place in a school
Activities in this teaching pack include a set of worksheets to select and record lists of vocabulary words that can be used in sentences containing conjunctions to link sentence clauses to describe some of the characters and events that feature in a story with a familiar setting.
The interactive presentation gets the children to explore how to use conjunctions to link different sentence clauses about characters in a story set in a school.
This lesson is part of an English scheme of work to get the children to explore how authors describe and use characters in a story with a familiar setting, add the prefixes in and im to roots, match determinants to nouns and use conjunctions to link sentence clauses. There are teaching activities for shared learning, differentiated worksheets to support independent learning and interactive presentations to introduce concepts and key skills.
Easter Viewpoints
Explore some of the main narrative events in the Easter story and suggest how different characters might have reacted to what happened to Jesus
Viking Longships
Select, combine and adjust different graphic shapes to create the design that could be used on a replica Viking longship sail
Decimal Division
Practise some of the different calculation techniques that can be used when solving problems involving the division of decimal numbers
Number Factors
Identify and record the factors of different numbers to one hundred which can be utilised when performing mental multiplication calculations