New Key Stage Two Teaching Resources

Check out some of the newest schemes of work, lesson plans, classroom essentials and interactive presentations recently added to Clickprimary for Key Stage Two

  • Ancient Egyptian Tombs

    Ancient Egyptian Tombs

    Investigate and report on the discovery of some Ancient Egyptian artefacts that have been found inside tombs by historians and archaeologists

  • Hieroglyphics


    Explore and illustrate how the Ancient Egyptians communicated some of their ideas and stories about their civilization by writing in hieroglyphics

  • Gods and Goddesses

    Gods and Goddesses

    Investigate, describe and record the religious beliefs of the Ancient Egyptians in a range of different gods and goddesses

  • Daily Life

    Daily Life

    Practise using a range of different primary sources to investigate and record information about aspects of daily life in Ancient Egypt

  • History Research

    History Research

    Identify and record how to use historical artefacts to suggest answers to a range of different questions about life in Ancient Egypt

  • Mass Measurements

    Mass Measurements

    Solve problems by measuring, estimating, comparing and calculating the mass of different objects using standard measurement units

  • Mass Stories

    Mass Stories

    Select and record a range of sentences to show the mass of sets of different objects using measurements for units in grams and kilograms

  • Toy Measurements

    Toy Measurements

    Identify and model how to use and read a scale to find the mass of different toys and games using measurements recorded in grams and kilograms

  • Scale Divisions

    Scale Divisions

    Select and devise a set of measurement scales using grams and kilograms that can be used to measure and record the mass of a range of classroom objects

  • Kitchen Scales

    Kitchen Scales

    Practise using kitchen scales to estimate and measure the mass of different types of foods using measurement units recorded in grams and kilograms

  • Multiplication Solutions

    Multiplication Solutions

    Practise using formal written methods to multiply three and four digit numbers by two digit numbers to solve real world and abstract multiplication problems

  • Multiplication Races

    Multiplication Races

    Practise using a formal written method of calculation to model how to multiply different pairs of four and two digit numbers