New Key Stage One Teaching Resources
Check out some of the newest schemes of work, lesson plans, classroom essentials and interactive presentations recently added to Clickprimary for Key Stage One
Hansel and Gretel
Read and answer a range of comprehension questions to explore the structure and content of a traditional story about what happened to the characters of Hansel and Gretel
Three Billy Goats Gruff
Read and answer a range of comprehension questions to explore the structure and content of the traditional story about the Billy Goats Gruff
Identify, observe and record some of changes to the natural world during the winter season including changes to daylight hours, temperature and animal habitats
Winter Assessment
Assess abilities in identifying, observing and recording changes to the natural world that can occur during the winter season
Winter Weather
Observe, describe and keep a record of some of the changes that are occurring in the weather during the winter season
Explore and test some of the changes that can happen to water resulting from cold weather that can be experienced during the winter
Winter Birds
Name, describe and compare some common British birds that might visit a family garden or the school grounds and describe ways to care for them during winter
Identify, record and compare how the amount of daylight and nighttime can change between the summer and winter seasons of the year
Snow and Ice
Identify, describe and compare some of the special common weather patterns that can be experienced during the winter season
Summer or Winter
Identify, describe and compare typical weather patterns that can be experienced between different seasons during the year
Seas and Oceans
Identify, describe and locate all of the main seas and oceans of the world using maps and compare vehicles used for marine transportation
Ships and Boats
Identify and describe some of the different types of vessels that voyage across the seas and oceans that can be found around the world