Rain Rhythms

This music scheme of work for Key Stage Two gets the children to practise composing and performing four beat rhythm patterns to reflect ideas and expressions illustrating the weather. The class can choose vocabulary phrases to build their rhythm patterns to show how rain moves and sounds.

Practise composing and performing four beat rhythm patterns to reflect ideas and expressions illustrating the weather

Lesson One : Weather Sounds

Explore and model some of the musical techniques that can be used to create sounds representing different types of weather that might be experienced close to the school

Lesson Two : Rhythm Words

Select and perform a range of vocabulary word phrases to develop rhythm patterns that can be used to represent how the rain is falling

Lesson Three : Changing Tempo

Compose and perform a selection of different four beat rhythm patterns at a range of quick and slow tempos to represent what is happening in the weather

Lesson Four : Thunder and Lightning

Select and perform a range of different rhythm patterns that can represent a type of weather to show what might happen during a storm

Lesson Five : Rainstorm

Select, compose and perform a range of different rhythm patterns that can represent some of the range of sounds that can be heard during a rainstorm

Lesson Six : Storm Orchestra

Select and perform a range of rhythm patterns to represent some of the sounds that can be heard during a storm that can be played as a group composition

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