Unit I – Times Tables Groups
This maths scheme of work for Key Stage Two gets the children to model and illustrate how to use facts in the times tables to multiply different numbers by two and five by counting and grouping matching products. The class can identify and explain how to use concrete equipment and diagrams to solve calculations.
Model and illustrate how to use facts in the times tables to multiply different numbers by two and five by counting and grouping matching products
Lesson One : Counting Groups
Use concrete objects and diagrams to identify and model how to add equal groups when multiplying different pairs of numbers
Lesson Two : Number Arrays
Revise and illustrate how to use number arrays to model different multiplication calculations in the times tables
Lesson Three : Number Stories
Recall and revise the multiplication facts in the two times table by recording example scenarios to illustrate each product
Lesson Four : Number Tables
Identify how to complete bar models to represent and solve different calculations in the five times table
Lesson Five : Money Division
Identify and model how to use number facts in the times tables to divide different money amounts by two
Valentine Gifts
Investigate and practise different techniques to shape and combine materials when producing models to make gifts to give to someone special for Valentine’s Day
Valentine Boxes
Practise using nets of cube and cuboid shapes and a range of materials to make and decorate boxes to hold Valentine’s Day gifts for someone special
Flower Bouquet
Produce a bouquet of paper flowers to present to someone special on Valentine’s Day by shaping and combining a range of different materials
Valentine Hearts
Design and produce Valentine’s Day card designs using layers and combinations of different shapes and materials