Unit A – Number Values

This maths scheme of work for Key Stage Two gets the children to investigate and record the place value of the digits in numbers to thousands by partitioning, ordering and comparing. The class can use concrete equipment and diagrams to model the place value of numbers and illustrate how they can be rounded.

Investigate and record the place value of the numerical digits in different numbers to thousands by partitioning, ordering and comparing

Lesson One : Number Match

Practise using concrete equipment and pictorial diagrams to identify and record the place value of the numerical digits that comprise different numbers to one thousand

Lesson Two : Number Divisions

Identify and record the place values of different sets of three digit numbers across different number lines by comparing their numerical digits

Lesson Three : Rounding Ten

Explain and model how to round a range of different two and three digit numbers to the nearest ten by comparing the place values of the digits in each number

Lesson Four : Rounding Hundred

Identify and record how to round a selection of different three digit numbers to the nearest hundred by comparing the place value of the numerical digits in each number

Lesson Five : Number Jumps

Identify and record how the place value of the numerical digits in a number can change when counting forwards and backwards in different steps of thousands

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