Home > Key Stage Two > Maths > Number > Fractions
Fraction Lengths, Masses and Capacities

This maths scheme of work for Key Stage Two gets the children to practise using division number skills to calculate and record the fractions of different measurements for length, mass and capacity. The class can explain how to use times tables facts to support division of different measurements.

Bottle Halves
Explain and model how to calculate one half of different bottle capacities that have been measured and recorded in millimetres

Cake Ingredients
Identify and record how to calculate one quarter of different numbers and measurements to find the matching numbers of ingredients that are needed for a cake recipe

Fraction Lengths
Investigate and record how to calculate and match unit and non-unit fractions of different measurements for length working with millimetres, centimetres and kilometres

Fraction Masses
Practise calculating the matching unit fractions of different measurements for mass that have been measured and recorded using grams
Fraction Lengths, Masses and Capacities
Practise using division number skills to calculate and record the fractions of different measurements for length, mass and capacity
Story Changes
Explore different ways of changing characters, settings and events in a story by a significant children’s author
Easter Viewpoints
Explore some of the main narrative events in the Easter story and suggest how different characters might have reacted to what happened to Jesus
Viking Longships
Select, combine and adjust different graphic shapes to create the design that could be used on a replica Viking longship sail