Lesson One – Volcano Quiz

This geography teaching pack for Key Stage Two gets the children to conduct and present geographical research to investigate how volcanoes work and how they can impact life and landscapes on Earth.

The class can identify and name some of the different parts that can be found on a volcano and explain their matching functions during an volcanic eruption.

Download this teaching pack including a lesson plan, classroom activities and an interactive presentation to conduct and present geographical research to investigate how volcanoes work and how they can impact life and landscapes on Earth

Activities in this teaching pack include display posters to identify and describe different parts of an erupting volcano and learn the names of the main parts of a volcano and explain functions in a volcanic eruption and and a template to select and record information about different parts of a volcano and their functions in a volcanic eruption.

The interactive presentation gets the children to investigate how volcanoes work and how they can impact life and landscapes on Earth.

This lesson is part of a geography scheme of work to get the children to identify, describe and compare the effects that volcanoes can have on different landscapes and populations in communities around the world. There are teaching activities for shared learning, differentiated worksheets to support independent learning and interactive presentations to introduce concepts and key skills.

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    Forces and Magnets

    Practise conducting a range of fair tests to identify and compare different materials based on magnetism and friction that can occur between surfaces

  • Forces and Magnets Assessment

    Forces and Magnets Assessment

    Assess abilities in conducting fair tests to identify and compare different materials based on magnetism and friction

  • Friction Tests

    Friction Tests

    Conduct a test to investigate, observe and record how friction can affect the movements of objects made from a range of different materials

  • Push and Pull

    Push and Pull

    Investigate and record some of the special ways of moving a selection of objects made from different materials using a range of forces