This English teaching pack for Key Stage Two gets the children to practise adding a range of suffixes to different word roots and record changes to their spelling and meaning to use when composing example sentences from a specific type of story.

The class can select and make predictions about story events based on their reading of an extract from a fantasy story to show what might happen next to the characters.

Download this teaching pack including a lesson plan, classroom activities and an interactive presentation to practise adding a range of suffixes to different word roots and record changes to their spelling and meaning to use when composing example sentences from a specific type of story

Activities in this teaching pack include a shared reading text to identify and describe how authors use language and sentence structures in fantasy stories and a set of differentiated worksheets to practise adding suffixes to different word roots and record changes to their spelling and meaning.

The interactive presentation gets the children to explore how to add suffixes to different word roots and record changes to their spelling and meaning to use when writing sentences for a fantasy story.

This lesson is part of an English scheme of work to get the children to investigate the common structures and features of a range of different types of stories and poems. There are teaching activities for shared learning, differentiated worksheets to support independent learning and interactive presentations to introduce concepts and key skills.

  • Number Squares

    Number Squares

    Develop and refine calculation skills for all four number operations working with different groups and pairs of numbers

  • One Hundred Number Squares

    One Hundred Number Squares

    Develop and refine calculation skills for all four number operations working with different groups and pairs of numbers to one hundred

  • Fifty Number Squares

    Fifty Number Squares

    Develop and refine calculation skills for all four number operations working with different groups and pairs of numbers to fifty

  • Twenty Number Squares

    Twenty Number Squares

    Develop and refine calculation skills for all four number operations working with different groups and pairs of numbers to twenty