Lesson Three – Newspaper Sentences

This English teaching pack for Key Stage Two gets the children to add fronted adverbials to the start of sentences in a newspaper report to indicate where, when or how things happened.

The class can identify and explain how to construct a news report by exploring an example story from a class newspaper about a pupil’s family holiday.

Download this teaching pack including a lesson plan, classroom activities and an interactive presentation to teach the children to add fronted adverbials to the start of sentences in a newspaper report to indicate where, when or how things happened

Activities in this teaching pack include a shared reading to explore how to compose a news report using an example text about a pupil’s family holiday and a table display card to select and compose sentences to add to a news report adding fronted adverbials to say when, where or how things happened.

The interactive presentation gets the children to identify and explain how to format and structure a news report about an event that happened in the past and how to compose sentences for a news report using fronted adverbials to indicate when, where or how things happened.

This lesson is part of a English scheme of work to get the children to plan and write newspaper reports about events that might happen at the school using journalistic language, identify word roots that can be changed by different prefixes and use commas to add fronted adverbials to sentences. There are teaching activities for shared learning, differentiated worksheets to support independent learning and interactive presentations to introduce concepts and key skills.

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