Easter Story Poems

This English scheme of work for Key Stage Two gets the children to practise composing and publishing different types of poems that use line structures and vocabulary to illustrate scenes in the Easter story. The class can explain how to express ideas and thoughts about what happened to Jesus at Easter.

Easter Words
Read and compose a selection of acrostic poems to explain the meaning of some special vocabulary words that are connected to the Easter story

Easter Kenning
Read and write example Kenning poems to illustrate and describe some of the different characters that feature in scenes from the Easter story

Easter Haikus
Read and write example Haiku poems to express ideas and thoughts about some of the main events and significant characters that feature in the Easter story
Easter Story Poems
Practise composing and publishing different types of poems that use line structures and vocabulary to illustrate scenes in the Easter story
Sand Horses
Investigate how authors illustrate characters and narrate plot events using direct speech when writing stories
School Reports
Research and write a news report using journalistic writing containing fact and opinion about a mysterious school event
Times Tables Division
Practise using facts in each of the times tables to support the division of pairs of numbers when solving a range of problems