This English teaching pack for Key Stage Two can be used to format and structure a letter of complaint about different problems and issues using paragraphs to organise sentences around a specific theme or idea when composing the body of a letter.

The class can identify some of the special vocabulary and word phrases that can be used when complaining about a problem or issue that has occurred in the world.

Download this teaching pack to support lessons in English to format and structure a letter of complaint about different problems and issues using paragraphs to organise sentences around a specific theme or idea when composing the body of a letter

Activities in this teaching pack include a set of differentiated templates to use when composing a letter of complaint using the correct format and structure for this type of writing including the use of paragraphs to organise sentences on a specific theme or idea. The templates can be used to argue points of view about a particular problem or issue that might be occurring in the world such as poor service from a shop or pollution in the local area.

This teaching pack can support development in planning and writing a non-fiction text using the correct layout for a letter of complaint including the address, salutation and body.

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