This English reading teaching pack for Key Stage Two gets the children to read and answer comprehension questions about the structure and content of a fantasy story by a significant author.

The class can suggest and record how the story might develop by adding new scenes describing what else might happen to the characters in one section from the story.

Download this teaching pack including a shared reading text, activity worksheets and an interactive presentation to teach the children to read and answer comprehension questions about the structure and content of a fantasy story by a significant author

Activities in this teaching pack include a shared reading text of an extract from the story of Peter Pan by J M Barrie and a set of differentiated worksheets to answer key questions about the structure and content of a section from a fantasy story by a significant author.

The interactive presentation gets the children to explore how to read and answer comprehension questions about the structure and content of a fantasy story by a significant author.

This lesson can support development in reading and understanding the structure and format of a classic work of fiction by a significant author. There are teaching activities for shared learning, differentiated worksheets to support independent learning and interactive presentations to introduce concepts and key skills.

  • Number Facts

    Number Facts

    Identify facts about the properties of numbers to support multiplication calculations including number facts and using calculations in the times tables

  • Factor Sums

    Factor Sums

    Practise using the matching factors of different numbers to model and record how to solve a range of multiplication number calculations related to times tables products

  • Factor Facts

    Factor Facts

    Investigate and prove different statements about the factors of different products that are used in all of the multiplication times tables

  • Number Pairs

    Number Pairs

    Select and use a selection of special number facts to find and record pairs of matching factors for different numbers to one hundred