Sports and Games

This English scheme of work for Key Stage Two gets the children to read and answer sets of comprehension questions using different types of texts about a range of sports and games. The class can explore the structure and content of poems and reports about different sporting events.

Ice Hockey

Read and answer comprehension questions about the structure and content of an explanation about how and why people take part in a team game

Football Crazy

Read and answer comprehension questions using a poem about a game of football that uses patterned language to convey different actions and sounds

England Herald

Read and answer comprehension questions about an example news report that describes what happened during a football match between two countries in the world

  • Valentine Gifts

    Valentine Gifts

    Investigate and practise different techniques to shape and combine materials when producing models to make gifts to give to someone special for Valentine’s Day

  • Valentine Boxes

    Valentine Boxes

    Practise using nets of cube and cuboid shapes and a range of materials to make and decorate boxes to hold Valentine’s Day gifts for someone special

  • Flower Bouquet

    Flower Bouquet

    Produce a bouquet of paper flowers to present to someone special on Valentine’s Day by shaping and combining a range of different materials

  • Valentine Hearts

    Valentine Hearts

    Design and produce Valentine’s Day card designs using layers and combinations of different shapes and materials