Light Controls

This computing teaching pack for Key Stage Two gets the children to practise selecting and entering commands to control different procedures and outcomes to match specific functions when using light. The class can write lists of procedures for different outputs such as sequences for traffic lights and navigation buoys.

Practise selecting and entering commands to control different procedures and outcomes to match specific functions when using light

Lesson One : Inputs and Outputs

Explore and record how to use a range of inputs and outputs to produce different effects and functions when controlling sets of lights

Lesson Two : Output Commands

Practise selecting and entering a range of commands to control and manage different outputs for specific purposes using a control box

Lesson Three : Traffic Lights

Practise writing and testing a set of procedure commands to run an application that can used to control the movement of traffic with a sequence of lights

Lesson Four : Light Buoys

Select and write a sequence of procedures to control a set of navigation lights for ships and boats to use when moving about a harbour location

Lesson Five : Disco Lights

Practise writing sequences of commands to create a procedure that can be used to control a set of lights that can be displayed during a disco party

Lesson Six : Light Functions

Write and test sets of command procedures that can be used to control a set of lights to match a specific function

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