Key Stage Two

Discover schemes of work, lesson plans, classroom worksheets and interactive activities to develop skills in all National Curriculum subjects including Religious Education for Key Stage Two classes

  • J M W Turner

    J M W Turner

    Explore how to represent different light forms and timings in artwork by emulating the painting style of a significant British artist

  • Football


    Practise, develop and model a range of different attacking, possession and defending skills when playing a small sided team game of football

  • Family Homes

    Family Homes

    Investigate and illustrate how to structure and format explanations describing why and how some different things work in a family home

  • Subtraction Steps

    Subtraction Steps

    Practise mental and written calculation strategies to subtract pairs of numbers with up to four digits including exchange between place value

  • Addition Facts

    Addition Facts

    Practise and refine different techniques for addition using facts about numbers to support mental calculations including adding multiples of hundreds and tens and utilising number bonds

  • Story Structures

    Story Structures

    Investigate and model how to use narrative structures employed by authors when telling adventure stories

  • Roald Dahl Story Characters

    Roald Dahl Story Characters

    Research and model different ways that authors describe and use characters in narrative stories

  • Animal Fables

    Animal Fables

    Identify and describe the sequence of events and moral lessons that are presented in different fables with animals as the main characters

  • Light


    Investigate and record how a range of light sources including the sun can make and change shadows using different opaque materials

  • Human Body

    Human Body

    Practise using the correct text features when composing explanations about how and why different organs in the human body function

  • Calculation Solutions

    Calculation Solutions

    Use standard written methods of addition and subtraction to check calculated sums using inverse operations and solve problems with multi-step solutions

  • Addition Exchange

    Addition Exchange

    Investigate different ways of adding three and four digit numbers using mental and formal written calculations with exchange between place value

  • Sport News

    Sport News

    Practise composing and publishing news reports to describe some of the special events that can happen at sporting competitions and tournaments

  • Story News

    Story News

    Explore and model how to compose news reports using journalistic writing to outline some of the narrative events in a fiction story

  • Harbour Life

    Harbour Life

    Identify and describe industrial, commercial and recreational events and experiences that can happen in a harbour to compare with other locations around the world

  • Number Comparisons

    Number Comparisons

    Use concrete equipment and diagrams to model how to compare numbers within twenty by the value of their digits when recording equations using numbers and symbols