Religious Education Teaching Resources
Discover some schemes of work, lesson plans, classroom worksheets and interactive activities to develop skills in religious education for Key Stage Two covering stories from the Bible, faiths and beliefs of different religious communities and exploring religious themes such as creation
Investigate and illustrate some of the stories that have been told by different groups and communities about the creation of the world
Explore some of the different traditions, stories, beliefs and practices that Muslims follow and adopt when practising the Islamic religion
Nativity Events
Explore and record some of the main events that occurred surrounding the birth of Jesus by composing a range of different texts to sequence and illustrate what happened
Old Testament
Explore the structure, special stories and significant characters that feature in different books that are part of the Old Testament
Investigate and present the religious meanings behind some of the different parable stories told by Jesus in the New Testament as part of the Christian Bible
School Letters
Practise composing and publishing letters to different members in the school community for a range of functions and purposes
Living Things and Habitats
Identify, group and compare some of the different plants and animals that live in a variety of habitats around the world
Division Measurements
Practise solving problems using division number skills to divide measurements for length, capacity and mass using a range of matching units
Long Division Sums
Explain and model how to use standard written methods for long division to solve problems when calculating the matching quotients including with remainders