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Vocabulary, Grammar and Punctuation Teaching Resources
Discover some schemes of work, lesson plans, classroom worksheets and interactive activities to develop skills in English vocabulary, punctuation and grammar for Key Stage Two covering conjunctions, commas, sentence punctuation, possessive apostrophes, noun phrases and verb tenses
Classic Fiction Extensions
Identify and record how to use relative clauses to extend sentences taken from a range of classic fiction stories by significant authors
Family Life
Identify and record how to use fronted adverbials to indicate where, when or how things happened in sentences about family events and experiences
Places Word Ladders
Practise making lists of synonyms for different adjectives to use in sentences describing some of the special places that can be found in the world
Valentine Gifts
Investigate and practise different techniques to shape and combine materials when producing models to make gifts to give to someone special for Valentine’s Day
Valentine Boxes
Practise using nets of cube and cuboid shapes and a range of materials to make and decorate boxes to hold Valentine’s Day gifts for someone special
Flower Bouquet
Produce a bouquet of paper flowers to present to someone special on Valentine’s Day by shaping and combining a range of different materials
Valentine Hearts
Design and produce Valentine’s Day card designs using layers and combinations of different shapes and materials