Assemblies Teaching Resources
Assembly plans, teaching activities, shared reading texts and interactive presentations to lead whole school, year group or class assemblies for Key Stage Two covering stories from the Bible, special festivals and celebrations and developing religious and spiritual understanding
Bible Stories
Explore how the bible contains stories for Christians to follow to receive guidance about how to lead good lives
Identify and explain how to develop strong ad positive relationships with others in different situations and scenarios
School Letters
Practise composing and publishing letters to different members in the school community for a range of functions and purposes
Living Things and Habitats
Identify, group and compare some of the different plants and animals that live in a variety of habitats around the world
Division Measurements
Practise solving problems using division number skills to divide measurements for length, capacity and mass using a range of matching units
Long Division Sums
Explain and model how to use standard written methods for long division to solve problems when calculating the matching quotients including with remainders