Art and Design Teaching Resources

Discover schemes of work, lesson plans, classroom worksheets and interactive activities to develop skills in art and design for Key Stage Two covering sketching and drawing, painting techniques, use of colour shades, sculpture models, shape printing and artwork by significant artists

  • Ancient Egyptian Tiles

    Ancient Egyptian Tiles

    Design and produce tiles that can represent Ancient Egyptian culture and traditions by adding shapes, patterns and attachments to clay models

  • Christmas Shapes

    Christmas Shapes

    Investigate and model how to use different materials and art techniques to design and make decorations to celebrate Christmas

  • Christmas Tree Ornaments

    Christmas Tree Ornaments

    Investigate how to use different modelling techniques when shaping and combining materials to create Christmas tree ornaments

  • Georges Seurat

    Georges Seurat

    Identify, describe and replicate the painting style of a significant French artist by using pointillism to create scenes of different landscape views

  • Greek Pots

    Greek Pots

    Practise shaping and modelling clay when making replica pots and jugs reflecting and illustrating life in the Ancient Greek civilization in the past

  • J M W Turner

    J M W Turner

    Explore how to represent different light forms and timings in artwork by emulating the painting style of a significant British artist

  • The Body

    The Body

    Develop sketching skills and techniques when drawing parts of the human body by investigating drawings and paintings produced by Leonardo da Vinci

  • Valentine Gifts

    Valentine Gifts

    Investigate and practise different techniques to shape and combine materials when producing models to make gifts to give to someone special for Valentine’s Day

  • School Letters

    School Letters

    Practise composing and publishing letters to different members in the school community for a range of functions and purposes

  • Living Things and Habitats

    Living Things and Habitats

    Identify, group and compare some of the different plants and animals that live in a variety of habitats around the world

  • Division Measurements

    Division Measurements

    Practise solving problems using division number skills to divide measurements for length, capacity and mass using a range of matching units

  • Long Division Sums

    Long Division Sums

    Explain and model how to use standard written methods for long division to solve problems when calculating the matching quotients including with remainders