Growing and Changing

This science scheme of work for Key Stage One gets the children to identify and describe how humans change as they grow from children into adults including changes to appearance, height and abilities in performing different actions. The class can identify things that they need to support a healthy body as they get older.

Identify and describe how humans change as they grow from children into adults including changes to appearance, height and abilities in performing different actions

Lesson One : Babies and Toddlers

Identify, describe and record some of the similarities and differences between different ages when changing from a baby to a toddler

Lesson Two : Growing Instructions

Research, explain and illustrate the importance to humans of using different types of food and water to stay healthy in their lives

Lesson Three : Body Changes

Explore and record some of the special ways that people can grow and change during their lives using a range of different measurements and observations

Lesson Four : Child to Adult

Identify and describe some of the different ways that people can change as their body changes and grows from a child into an adult

Lesson Five : Changing Height

investigate, describe and illustrate some of the different ways that human bodies can grow and change as someone gets older in their life

Lesson Six : Changing Teeth

Investigate, describe and record how the teeth in the human body can change as people move from childhood to adulthood

Growing and Changing Assessment

Assess abilities in identifying and describing how humans change as they grow from children into adults including changes to appearance, height and abilities in performing different actions

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    Food and Drink

    Select powerful and descriptive vocabulary to use in poems describing different types of food and drink that can be enjoyed for a range of meals

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    Sea Animals

    Identify, describe and compare some of the different plants and animals that can be found living in a marine habitat including in the sea or on the beach

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