This science scheme of work for Key Stage One gets the children to identify and compare the benefits of different types of foods including fruit and vegetables and discuss ways to care for the body using cleaning and exercise tasks. The class can build a timetable to select and record daily activities to stay healthy.

Identify and compare the benefits of different types of foods including fruit and vegetables and discuss ways to care for the body using cleaning and exercise tasks

Lesson One : What Foods

Identify, compare and sort a range of different foods into groups for healthy and unhealthy lifestyles

Lesson Two : Food Choices

Practise sorting a range of different foods into groups to show healthy and unhealthy meal options

Lesson Three : Food Benefits

Explore and record the benefits of different types of foods as part of a healthy lifestyle

Lesson Four : Healthy Teeth

Investigate and record some of the special ways of caring for the teeth to prevent tooth decay.

Lesson Five : Exercise

Identify and record the importance of a daily exercise routine as part of a healthy lifestyle

Lesson Six : Daily Calendar

Devise and produce a calendar to show daily activities that can be completed as part of a healthy lifestyle

Healthy Living Assessment

Assess abilities in identifying and comparing the benefits of different types of foods and discussing ways to care for the body

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