Lesson Two – Ark Instructions

This religious education teaching pack for Key Stage One gets the children to select, write and order a set of instructions about how to build a wooden ark from different materials to survive a flood in the world.

The class can explain how and why specific things happened in the story of Noah from the Bible to track the sequence of events in the narrative.

Download this teaching pack including a lesson plan, classroom activities and an interactive presentation to teach the children to select, write and order a set of instructions about how to build a wooden ark from different materials to survive a flood in the world

Activities in this teaching pack include display posters to sort a set of instructions linked to a story from the Bible about Noah and the ark, a template to record steps of instructions linked to a story from the Bible about Noah and the ark [enlarge to A3] and a table display card to elect and write instructions linked to a story from the Bible about Noah and the ark.

The interactive presentation gets the children to explore how to write and order a set of instructions about how to build a wooden ark to survive a flood.

This lesson is part of a religious education scheme of work to get the children to identify, describe and record the sequence of narrative events and special themes in the story from the Bible about Noah and the Ark. There are teaching activities for shared learning, differentiated worksheets to support independent learning and interactive presentations to introduce concepts and key skills.

  • Fraction Divisions

    Fraction Divisions

    Identify, calculate and record how to divide different shapes, quantities and numbers to illustrate the fractions of halves and quarters

  • Number Quarters

    Number Quarters

    Explain and model how to use concrete objects and pictorial diagrams to calculate one quarter of different numbers that are multiples of four

  • Shape Quarters

    Shape Quarters

    Practise identifying and dividing different types of shapes into four equal parts to illustrate the fraction values for quarters

  • Number Halves

    Number Halves

    Explain and model how to use concrete objects and pictorial diagrams to calculate one half of different numbers that are multiples of two and ten