This physical education scheme of work for Key Stage One gets the children to develop, practise and refine some of the different techniques and skills that are needed when playing a team game of football. The PE lesson plan gets the class to practise skills in moving, passing and shooting a football when playing games.

Develop, practise and refine some of the different techniques and skills that are needed when playing a team game of football

Lesson One : Ball Movements

Practise and develop some of the different skills that are needed to move a large ball around the pitch during a team game of football

Lesson Two : Passing and Receiving

Explore and model how to move and pass a large ball to other players during a team game of football so that it can be advanced down the pitch and towards the goal

Lesson Three : Shooting and Scoring

Develop and refine some of the different ways of shooting at a target during a game of football to try and score as many goals as possible

Lesson Four : Dribbling Skills

Refine and improve some of the different actions and skills that are needed to control a ball as part of a team game to move it around the pitch and towards the goal

Lesson Five : Finding Spaces

Explore and illustrate the importance of finding and moving into space during a team game of football to move the ball between players and advance it towards the goal

Lesson Six : Team Games

Develop and refine a range of different football skills by playing small sided games that involve moving, passing and shooting the ball towards the goal

  • Pancake Instructions

    Pancake Instructions

    Identify and model how to compose sets of instructions for families to follow when preparing pancakes to celebrate Shrove Tuesday

  • Pancake Recipe

    Pancake Recipe

    Devise and sequence a set of instructions about how to prepare pancakes with different types of toppings to serve at a Shrove Tuesday party celebration

  • Pancake Lists

    Pancake Lists

    Practise using commas to list some of the special toppings that can be added to different pancakes that families can enjoy eating on Shrove Tuesday

  • Favourite Pancakes

    Favourite Pancakes

    Explain and model how to use expanded noun phrases to describe some of the different toppings and fillings that can be added to pancakes to enjoy on Shrove Tuesday