Home > Key Stage One > Maths > Year One Planning > Term One
Unit C – Number Comparisons

This maths scheme of work for Key Stage One gets the children to use concrete equipment and diagrams to compare numbers within twenty by the value of their digits when recording equations using numbers and symbols. The class can illustrate numbers that are more than or less than other numbers to twenty.

Use concrete equipment and diagrams to model how to compare numbers within twenty by the value of their digits when recording equations using numbers and symbols

Lesson One : Number Dominoes
Generate and compare the value of different numbers to twenty using concrete apparatus to illustrate the place value of their numerical digits

Lesson Two : More Than
Explain and model how to use concrete equipment and pictorial symbols to record sets of matching numbers that have values which are more than other numbers to ten

Lesson Three : Less Than
Identify and record the correct number equations that can show matching sets of numbers that are less than some other numbers to ten

Lesson Four : Number Lists
Identify and record the matching groups of numbers with numerical values that are greater than and less than some other numbers to ten

Lesson Five : Number Links
Explain and model how to use numerical digits and pictorial symbols to produce matching equations for numbers that are greater than and less than other numbers to ten
Number Bonds to Twenty
Investigate and model how to use mental calculation techniques when working with concrete objects and diagrams to identify pairs of numbers that make sums to twenty
Journeys Poems
Practise selecting powerful vocabulary words to use in poems that can describe some of the journeys made by families using different types of transport
Special Places Poems
Practise composing and presenting poems using descriptive vocabulary to illustrate some of the special places that can be found in the world
Harbour Life
Identify and describe industrial, commercial and recreational events and experiences that can happen in a harbour to compare with other locations around the world