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Castle Life

This history teaching pack for Key Stage One gets the children to identify, describe and record some of the special ways that castles were built and inhabited by different groups of people in the past. The class can write diaries and use drama to illustrate some of the different jobs completed in a castle by servants and knights.

Identify, describe and record some of the special ways that castles were built and inhabited by different groups of people in the past

Lesson One : Castle Construction
Identify and describe some of the main construction features and structures that were used to build a castle in the past

Lesson Two : Castle Inhabitants
Identify, describe and compare some of the different groups of people who lived and worked in a castle in the past to complete a range of roles and jobs

Lesson Three : Castle Jobs
Identify, record and describe some of the different jobs and actions that took place in a castle in the past to look after the lord and lady

Lesson Four : Pages, Squires and Knights
Investigate and illustrate some of the different ways that a castle could be protected from an attack from other armies in the past

Lesson Five : Castle Entertainment
Investigate, describe and role-play some of the different ways to entertain the lord and lady who lived and ruled in a castle in the past
Unusual Pets
Plan and write a narrative story with a familiar setting about a family keeping an unusual animal as a pet
Unusual Pet Story
Compose and publish a narrative story with a familiar setting to show some of the problems that an unusual animal might make for a family to solve
Pet Story Plans
Role-play and record some of the narrative events that might happen in a story about a wild animal that might be kept as a pet by a family
Pet Lists
Collect and record sets of vocabulary words that can be used to describe in sentences about how to clean, feed and exercise an unusual animal kept as a pet by a family