Unit F – Mystery Pets

This English scheme of work for Key Stage One gets the children to write and edit poems about animals using patterned language, practise spelling words with the /s/ sound spelt c and use expanded noun phrases to describe and specify people, places and things related to wild animals for lines in a poem.

Write and edit poems using patterned language about some of the different wild animals that could be kept as pets by a family

Lesson One : Word Guess

Play word games to identify the spelling and meaning of different words with the /s/ sound spelt c that can be used to describe a range of wild animals

Lesson Two : Word Lists

Select and make collections of nouns and adjectives that can be used to describe different wild animals for use when composing lines for a poem

Lesson Three : Poetry Verses

Explain and model how use collections of nouns and adjectives to write different verses for a poem about animals that live wild in habitats around the world

Lesson Four : Poetry Writing

Select and record special vocabulary words to use in lines for a poem describing some of the wild animals that could be kept as pets by a family

Lesson Five : Poetry Editing

Practise checking and improving the structure and vocabulary used in poems about some of the different wild animals that could be kept as pets

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  • Mystery Pets

    Mystery Pets

    Write and edit poems using patterned language about some of the different wild animals that could be kept as pets by a family

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