Unit D – Wild Animals

This English scheme of work for Key Stage One gets the children to write and edit a narrative story about keeping a wild animal as a family pet, spell words ending in y and select descriptive vocabulary to describe story settings in their narrative writing. The class can select events to describe what might happen next in a story.

Plan and write a narrative story with a familiar setting about a family keeping an unusual animal as a pet

Lesson One : Word Groups

Select and sort words into matching groups to show different phoneme sounds for words ending in y to use when describing different animals that can be kept as a family pet

Lesson Two : Story Words

Choose and record sets of matching adjectives that can be used to describe some of the different settings that might feature in a story about an animal

Lesson Three : Story Scenes

Investigate how to use drama to storyboard some of the different things that might happen in a story about a family who are keeping a wild animal as a pet

Lesson Four : Story Endings

Practise extending a narrative story about keeping a wild animal as a pet by selecting and recording an alternative ending to the plot development and outcomes

Lesson Five : Story Editing

Explain and model how to edit and redraft a narrative story showing what might happen next in a story about keeping a wild animal as family pet

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