This art and design scheme of work for the Foundation Stage gets the children to practise combining different shapes and materials to make a range of decorations to display in a family home at Christmas. The class can name and describe shapes that have been used in ornaments to support their own artwork.

Christmas Trees

Select and combine a range of different 2D shapes and festive materials to make a table decoration showing a Christmas tree

Snowman Shapes

Select and use a range of 3D shapes and different materials to design and make a Christmas decorative character of a snowman

Christmas Stockings

Create and decorate hanging stockings to hold Christmas presents using different types of shapes, colours and patterns

  • Vehicles


    Identify, describe and compare some of the different journeys that can be made by bus, train or plane for a range of purposes by families

  • School Counting

    School Counting

    Explain and model how to count, order and compare the numbers of special tools and equipment that can be used when working in school lessons

  • Family Visits

    Family Visits

    Practise selecting different vocabulary words to use when completing and composing poems about family visits to different locations

  • Push and Pull

    Push and Pull

    Identify, describe and test some of the different pushing and pulling forces that can be used to move a range of objects

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