Lesson Two – Bird Tables
This curriculum topic teaching pack for the Foundation Stage gets the children to explore and record some of the different ways of caring for British birds during the winter such as providing them with food to eat and water to drink.
The class can identify and explain how species of birds are the same or different as other types of animals that might be seen in a garden habitat during a season of the year.
Download this teaching pack including a lesson plan, classroom activities and an interactive presentation to explore and record some of the different ways of caring for British birds during the winter such as providing them with food to eat and water to drink
Activities in this teaching pack include display posters to identify and describe common British birds that might visit a garden and a worksheet to name and record some of the different birds that they can see in the school grounds visiting a bird table.
The interactive presentation gets the children to explore and record some of the different ways of caring for British birds during the winter.
This lesson is part of a curriculum topic scheme of work to get the children to explore how animals adapt to the changes to the natural world in the winter including animals that live in Britain and other habitats such as the arctic. There are teaching activities for shared learning, differentiated worksheets to support independent learning and interactive presentations to introduce concepts and key skills.
Practise adding pairs of one digit numbers by using counting on from the biggest number working with concrete equipment and diagrams to support calculations
Number Sentences
Identify and record sets of matching number sentences to show how to add pairs of single digit numbers to make different sums to ten
Money Pennies
Practise using counting on to add different money amounts using pairs of single digit numbers to calculate the cost of buying different items from a shop
Two More
Explain and model how to add two more to different numbers to ten by using counting on to calculate the matching addition sums