Number Steps Fives

Practise counting in steps of five from any number going forwards and backwards to complete different number sequences

Number Steps Threes

Practise counting in steps of three from any number going forwards and backwards to complete different number sequences

Number Steps Twos

Practise counting in steps of two from any number going forwards and backwards to complete different number sequences

Plurals Word Match Verbs ies

Identify, match and record changes to the spellings of different words when adding the suffix ies to verbs when forming plurals

Plurals Word Match Nouns ies

Identify, match and record changes to the spellings of different words when adding the suffix ies to nouns when forming plurals

Plurals Word Match Nouns es

Identify, match and record changes to the spellings of different words when adding the suffix es to nouns when forming plurals

Plurals Word Match Nouns s

Identify, match and record changes to the spellings of different words when adding the suffix s to nouns when forming plurals