Animal Story Endings

Practise extending a narrative story about keeping a wild animal as a pet by selecting and recording an alternative ending to the plot development and outcomes

Animal Story Scenes

Investigate how to use drama to storyboard some of the different things that might happen in a story about a family who are keeping a wild animal as a pet

Animal Story Words

Choose and record sets of matching adjectives that can be used to describe some of the different settings that might feature in a story about an animal

Word Groups y Ending

Select and sort words into matching groups to show different phoneme sounds for words ending in y to use when describing different animals that can be kept as a family pet

Family Lists

Select and record matching lists of different items that might be needed by families for a range of special events and experiences

Family Hobbies

Select and record the matching lists of different items that might be needed to complete a specific hobby by different members of a family

Car Journeys

Select and write lists of some of the preparations that families might need to make for different types of journeys by car for a range of purposes

Shopping Lists

Select and record matching lists of items that can be bought when visiting a range of different shops that can be found around the local area

Trip Lists

Practise compiling lists to name some of the different objects that might be needed by families when visiting a range of locations on a special day out


Select and combine different materials to design and make scarecrows for a garden to match identified success criteria