Practise using drama and role-play to illustrate one of the events that happened in a narrative story that is set in another culture
Model how to add the correct punctuation and word spaces to complete sentences about different animals that might live wild in habitats around the world
Compile and illustrate lists of words from a narrative story set in a different culture that contain the ir and ur vowel phoneme digraphs
Identify, define and spell a selection of vocabulary words with the vowel digraph ir that can be used to describe different fruits
Read and produce signs and labels that families might see whilst out shopping for different items when visiting a range of shops
Complete the design of product labels for items that can be sold in a supermarket to use when role-playing a family shopping trip
Design and produce labels to describe some of the different products that can be sold in a supermarket for families to buy on a shopping trip
Identify and compile lists of products that might be sold in different sections in a supermarket that can be bought on a shopping trip
Play different spelling word games to identify and match sets of different words with the ay or oy vowel digraph phoneme sounds
Identify and sort a range of different words with long and short vowel a phonemes into their matching pronunciation word groups