Picnic Shopping

Suggest and record lists of different items that can be bought from a supermarket shop to match a special event

Trolleys and Baskets

Identify, describe and record different groups of products that are sold and can be bought when shopping in a supermarket

Number Counting

Count, record and compare sets of different objects to ten and identify the matching numbers using numerals

Big and Small

Model how to select and use the correct vocabulary words to compare the value of different counted sets of objects to ten

Domino Counting

Practise counting, ordering and comparing a set of domino dot shapes using each of the different numbers to ten

Number Groups

Count, label and order different numbers of classroom tools and equipment to match each of the numbers to ten written in digits

Counting Books

Practise counting and ordering different sets of classroom topic books into the correct order working with different numbers to ten

Pencils, Rulers and Crayons

Count, compare and record numbers of different classroom tools and equipment to match each of the number to ten written in digits

Fairy Tales

Identify and describe common characters, settings and themes used in traditional stories and suggest story changes using role-play and written composition

Story Book Pages

Design and produce pages for a story book describing some of the changes that could be made to a fairy tale about Goldilocks and the Three Bears