Home > Key Stage Two > Maths > Measurement > Time
Journey Times
This maths teaching pack for Key Stage Two gets the children to practise solving a range of measurement problems about the duration of journeys using different forms of transport. The class can model techniques that can be used when calculating the duration of an event in hours and minutes.
Bus Times
Calculate and record the duration between pairs of times in hours and minutes to show different journeys that can be made when travelling by bus
Train Timetable
Calculate and record the duration of different train journeys by accessing information using a timetable listed with a range of digital times
Ferry Timetable
Calculate and record the duration of different ferry journeys by accessing information using a timetable listed with a range of digital times
Flight Times
Identify and calculate the arrival times of aeroplanes to a destination when making adjustments for different time zones to record the duration of each flight
Travel Times
Model and record how to solve a range of problems about different journey times working with measurements bridging one hour
Times Tables Facts
Practise different strategies and techniques to learn each of the facts in the times tables to support number calculations
Multiplication Square
Support and complete number calculation skills when working with the multiplication facts in each of the times tables up to multiplies of twelve
Story Structures
Investigate the common structures and features of a range of different types of stories and poems, practise adding suffixes to different word roots and use commas to punctuate sentences
Poetry Questions
Select and answer a range of different comprehension questions to illustrate the themes and ideas that are presented in a classic poem by Emily Dickinson