Home > Key Stage Two > Maths > Number > Division
Decimal Division

This maths scheme of work for Key Stage Two gets the children to practise some of the different calculation techniques that can be used when solving problems involving the division of decimal numbers. The class can explain how to use formal methods of calculations when dividing pairs of numbers.

Decimal Division Changes
Identify and record how the the place value of the digits in different numbers can change when completing division calculations by ten, one hundred and one thousand

Division Check
Explain and model how use division calculation sums to check the products of multiplication calculations involving decimal numbers to different numbers of places

Mass Division
Practise dividing a range of different measurements for grams and kilograms in whole numbers and to one and two decimal places by single digit numbers
Decimal Division
Practise some of the different calculation techniques that can be used when solving problems involving the division of decimal numbers
Number Factors
Identify and record the factors of different numbers to one hundred which can be utilised when performing mental multiplication calculations
Addition Exchange
Practise using mental and written calculation methods to add numbers including informal and formal columnar techniques with exchange between place value
Easter Story Poems
Practise composing and publishing different types of poems that use line structures and vocabulary to illustrate scenes in the Easter story