This curriculum topic scheme of work for the Foundation Stage gets the children to explore how animals adapt to the changes to the natural world in the winter including animals that live in Britain and other habitats such as the arctic. The class can investigate how reindeer and polar bears have adapted to living in habitats.

Explore how animals adapt to the changes to the natural world in the winter including animals that live in Britain and other habitats such as the arctic

Lesson One : Winter Garden

Identify and describe some of the different animals that might visit a garden during the winter for a range of special purposes

Lesson Two : Bird Tables

Explore and record some of the different ways of caring for British birds during the winter such as providing them with food to eat and water to drink

Lesson Three : Winter Pond

Identify and record how a selection of different types of fish can survive cold weather and temperatures during the winter when living in a pond in a garden

Lesson Four : Reindeer

Explore and record different pieces of information about how reindeer have adapted to living in winter conditions in special habitats around the world

Lesson Five : Habitats

Identify and describe some of the different types of habitats that can be found around the world that are populated by reindeer

Lesson Six : Polar Bears

Investigate and record information how polar bears have adapted to living in winter conditions as part of an arctic habitat

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