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Number Rounding
Practise comparing and rounding numbers to six digits to their nearest ten, hundred and thousand by utilising the place value of their digits
Number Lines Rules
Identify and record how to complete a selection of number sequences for five and six digit numbers when counting in steps of different powers of ten
Rounding Number Changes
Explain and model how to round a range of different six digit numbers to the nearest ten, hundred and thousand by the place values of their numerical digits
Rounding Thousands
Investigate how to compare a selection of different six digit numbers by rounding them to the nearest thousand using the values of their listed numerical digits
Number Order
Identify and record the sequence of a selection of two digit numbers by the place value of their numerical digits when representing their order using concrete equipment and diagrams
Number Lines
Identify and record the position of a range of two digit numbers on different sized scales that extend from zero to one hundred place values
Number Words and Digits
Match, compare and order a range of different two digit numbers that have been written in both words and digits from the smallest to biggest values
Number Frames
Explain and model how to use pictorial diagrams to represent the values of different numbers to one hundred that have been listed in both words and digits
Division Sharing
Identify and model how to share different numbers of objects to ten into matching groups of two using concrete equipment and pictorial diagrams
Practise sharing different numbers of vegetables that can be bought from a greengrocers with counted sums to ten into matching equal groups of two
Farm Animals
Practise sharing different numbers of animals that live on a farm with counted sums to ten into matching equal groups of two
Zoo Animals
Practise sharing different numbers of animals that live in a zoo with counted sums to ten into matching equal groups of two