School Adventures

You can utilise the school grounds or a local wooded area to help the children develop practical, social and physical skills across the National Curriculum. The class can explore how to make orienteering routes around the school grounds to follow routes using the eight points of the compass.
Working in Design Technology, the children can explore how to select and use materials to build shelters to survive the wind and rain. The class can try building obstacle courses around the school grounds to make running routes for their classmates to follow. The children can explore how to use camouflage to support tracking and monitoring of animals that live in the school grounds such as making an animal hide. The class can develop their literacy skills by writing recounts and reports of their adventures.
Orienteering Courses
The class can develop orienteering courses for their classmates to follow around the school grounds. Teach the children how to use a compass to identify the eight points of direction. Illustrate how to hold and use a compass to orientate positions towards North which can then be used to move in directions of the other points of the compass. The children can make routes around the school grounds using compass points and number of steps such as run North -East from the hall door for eighty-nine steps. Get the class to leave codes at each station on their orienteering course for the participants to record as they move around the school grounds. The codes can then stand as a record of the successful completion of the orienteering course.
Survival Shelters
The children can develop their practical construction skills by getting them to build shelters in the school grounds using a range of natural materials. If you don’t have enough suitable materials in the school then you can take the class to a local wooded area to complete the activity. Remind the children to only use materials that have already fallen from trees and bushes when building their shelters. You can also provide the class with a selection of tools and other materials that might prove useful when building the shelters such as lengths of rope or small pieces of canvas. Choose a wet and windy day for the children to test their shelters to see if they will stand up to the wind and keep them dry whilst sitting inside.
Obstacle Courses
The children can develop their physical skills by constructing obstacle courses around the school grounds for their classmates to follow. The children can make the obstacles using a range of PE equipment or natural materials found in the school ground such as suspending a stick between two cones to make a hurdle. The class can then attempt racing around the courses to try and improve their times over a number of weeks. Get the children to adapt their courses so that children in younger aged classes can try overcoming the different obstacles.
Animal Hides
Working in Science, the class can make some animal hides to track and monitor birds, mammals and insects that make parts of the school grounds their home. The children can cut a slits in the four sides of a large cardboard box which can then be painted in earth colours before being covered in fallen leaves and sticks. The hides can then be placed in different areas of the school grounds for the children to sit inside and monitor animals. Get the children to investigate how to make observations of the animals using sketching skills, pictograms and photography.
Class Camping
The class can try camping outdoors in the school grounds during one day in the term. Help the children make some simple tents by using long sticks to make a tipi shape which can then be covered in a old sheet. The class can then try different bush craft skills such as tracking animal footprints around the school grounds, identifying flowers and plants in a range of habitats and constructing utensils from pieces of fallen wood from trees and bushes. Get the children to role-play different adventures that they might experience when out camping and create flow charts showing possible solutions to a range of problems.
Recounts and Reports
You can get the class to use their experiences when adventuring in the school grounds to plan and compose a range of different texts. The children could write recounts on their adventures selecting vocabulary and sentence structures that could be used in diary entries to record what happened in different scenarios. The class can collect information to use in reports of their adventures such as a news report about spotting a family of fox cubs in the school grounds or a non-chronological report about the range of insects that live in the bushes next to the fence.
Times Tables Division
Practise using facts in each of the times tables to support the division of pairs of numbers when solving a range of problems
Football Teams
Investigate and record how to format and structure letters that could be sent to and from football teams for different purposes and functions
Sporting Poems
Practise writing poems with patterned language and rhythm structures to describe movements and actions connected to different sports and games
Food and Drink
Select powerful and descriptive vocabulary to use in poems describing different types of food and drink that can be enjoyed for a range of meals