Home > Special Topics > Christmas Tree Ornaments

Christmas Tree Stars

This art and design teaching pack for all year groups gets the children to produce star decoration shapes for a Christmas tree by combining a range of different materials using modelling and shaping techniques.

The class can explain and model some of the special art processes that can be used to manipulate materials when making a decoration to celebrate Christmas.

Download this teaching pack including display poster, classroom activities and an interactive presentation to produce star decoration shapes for a Christmas tree by combining a range of different materials using modelling and shaping techniques

Activities in this teaching pack include a shared reading text to produce star decoration shapes for a Christmas tree by combining a range of different materials, display posters to identify and describe colours, shapes and patterns used on Christmas decorations and a template to help produce star decoration shapes for a Christmas tree combining a range of different materials.

The interactive presentation gets the children to explore how to produce star decoration shapes for a Christmas tree by combining a range of different materials.

This lesson is part of an art and design scheme of work to get the children to investigate how to use different modelling techniques when shaping and combining materials to create Christmas tree ornaments. There are teaching activities for shared learning, differentiated worksheets to support independent learning and interactive presentations to introduce concepts and key skills.

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