New Key Stage Two Teaching Resources

Check out some of the newest schemes of work, lesson plans, classroom essentials and interactive presentations recently added to Clickprimary for Key Stage Two

  • Subtraction Number Blocks

    Subtraction Number Blocks

    Identify and record how to use concrete objects to model and illustrate how to subtract different pairs of four digit numbers with no exchange between place value

  • Hundreds and Thousands

    Hundreds and Thousands

    Practise subtracting selected multiples of hundreds and thousands from different four digit numbers by using some informal calculation techniques for subtraction

  • Thousands and Tens

    Thousands and Tens

    Investigate and record changes that can happen to the place value of the digits in a number when subtracting different pairs of four digit number and tens

  • Subtraction Number Changes

    Subtraction Number Changes

    Explain and model some of the methods that can be used to subtract different pairs of four digit numbers and ones using an informal written method of calculation

  • Addition Facts

    Addition Facts

    Practise and refine different techniques for addition using facts about numbers to support mental calculations including adding multiples of hundreds and tens and utilising number bonds

  • Addition Number Sums

    Addition Number Sums

    Identify and record some of the mental calculation strategies and techniques that can be used to add and subtract different pairs of two digit numbers

  • Addition Number Pairs

    Addition Number Pairs

    Explain and record how to use number facts and place value to identify different pairs of numbers that sum to totals to one thousand

  • Adding Tens

    Adding Tens

    Identify and record how to count in steps of ten to support addition of different three digit number and tens with exchange between place value

  • Addition Tens and Hundreds

    Addition Tens and Hundreds

    Investigate and record changes to place value of the digits in numbers that can happen when adding pairs of three digit numbers and tens and hundreds

  • Adding Hundreds

    Adding Hundreds

    Explain and model how to use different facts about numbers and the technique of counting on to add pairs of multiples of one hundred together

  • Story Structures

    Story Structures

    Investigate and model how to use narrative structures employed by authors when telling adventure stories

  • Story Letter

    Story Letter

    Explain and model how to compose a letter that a character might write about one of the plot events in an adventure story read by the class