New Key Stage Two Teaching Resources
Check out some of the newest schemes of work, lesson plans, classroom essentials and interactive presentations recently added to Clickprimary for Key Stage Two
Bible Stories
Explore how the bible contains stories for Christians to follow to receive guidance about how to lead good lives
Explore and reflect on different ways to show trust in other people through a story from the Bible about Jesus and his special followers
Money Money
Identify and reflect on some of the different benefits and disadvantages that can be had when distributing and hoarding money for a range of special purposes
Lost Son
Explore the meaning of a parable from the Bible told by Jesus to teach his followers and give them guidance about how to forgive others
Magic and Miracles
Investigate how faith can be demonstrated through some of the miracles that were performed by Jesus
Explore and model concepts about how light is produced and how it can travel through different materials
Light Assessment
Assess abilities in exploring and modelling concepts about how light is produced and how it can travel through different materials
Light Colours
Investigate and prove by conducting test to illustrate how the eye can see and interpret a range of different colours
Explain, describe and test how light from a specific source can be reflected off a range of different surfaces and materials
Pinhole Camera
Devise and build a model of a pinhole camera to explain and demonstrate how light travels in straight lines from a light source
Light Rays
Investigate and illustrate different ways of explaining and demonstrating how light from a specific source can travel in a straight line
The Eye
Research and record answers to different quiz questions to explain a range of facts and information about how the eye works in the human body