This science scheme of work for Key Stage Two gets the children to investigate and record how a range of light sources including the sun can make and change shadows using different opaque materials. The class can identify the difference between transparent and opaque materials.

Investigate and record how a range of light sources including the sun can make and change shadows using different opaque materials

Lesson One : Opaque and Transparent

Identify, sort and record the individual properties of a range of different materials in relation to how they respond and react to light

Lesson Two : Shadow Facts

Identify and record a range of true and false concepts about how light from different sources can make and change shadows

Lesson Three : Playground Shadows

Explore and illustrate some of the different ways of changing the size and shape of shadows that have been produced by light from the Sun

Lesson Four : Sun Shadows

Identify and record how the position of the Sun in the sky can affect the size, direction and shape of shadows made by different objects during the course of the day

Lesson Five : Sundial

Investigate how to design and make a model of a sundial to track and record changes to the position of the Sun in the sky during the course of the day

Lesson Six : Shadow Sizes

Explore and record some of the different ways of changing the size of a selection of shadows that have been produced by a light blocked from a source

Light Assessment

Assess abilities in investigating and recording how a range of light sources including the sun can make and change shadows using different opaque materials

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