Viking Invasion

This history scheme of work for Key Stage Two gets the children to identify and record reasons as to why and how the Vikings invaded in Britain in the past by using primary and secondary historical sources. The class can compose diary entries and play scripts to illustrate what happened during different Viking raids.

Identify and record reasons as to why and how the Vikings invaded in Britain in the past by using primary and secondary historical sources

Lesson One : Viking Homelands

Identify and locate some of the different countries that can be found in Europe where the Vikings lived in the past as their homelands

Lesson Two : Invaders and Settlers

Investigate, describe and record some of the different reasons as to why the Vikings chose to invade Britain in the past

Lesson Three : Viking Raids

Explain and model how to write a recount to explain how and why the Vikings raided and attacked other lands and communities in the past

Lesson Four : Viking Weaponry

Investigate and describe how to use a range of different primary sources to identify and illustrate how the Vikings raided and attacked other countries in the past

Lesson Five : Lindisfarne Way

Explain and model how to use a primary source to investigate and record information about a Viking raid that happened in Britain at Lindisfarne in the past

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