Home > Key Stage Two > History
Stone Age

This history scheme of work for Key Stage Two gets the children to investigate and record how different aspects of life in prehistoric Britain developed and changed during the Stone Age. The class can make and labels models to show how the first people settled and lived and worked in Britain.

Investigate and record how different aspects of life in prehistoric Britain developed and changed during the Stone Age

Lesson One : Dinosaurs, Asteroids and Ice
Identify, describe and sequence some of he historical events that preceded the settlement of the first people in pre-historic Britain

Lesson Two : First People
Identify, explain and record some of the different special reasons as to why people first came to settle in prehistoric Britain in the past

Lesson Three : Hunter Gatherers
Explore, describe and record some of the different ways that people hunted and gathered food during the Stone Age as part of life in prehistoric Britain

Lesson Four : Stone Age Tools
Identify, describe and illustrate how people in the Stone Age in prehistoric Britain produced and used different tools for a range of functions to support their communities

Lesson Five : Stone Age Farming
Explore and record how and why people in the Stone Age began to harvest crops and started farming animals in their settlements to support their growing communities

Lesson Six : Stonehenge
Investigate and record some of the special reasons as to why people built different monuments during the Stone Age in prehistoric Britain from a range of materials
Times Tables Division
Practise using facts in each of the times tables to support the division of pairs of numbers when solving a range of problems
Football Teams
Investigate and record how to format and structure letters that could be sent to and from football teams for different purposes and functions
School Letters
Practise composing and publishing letters to different members in the school community for a range of functions and purposes
Living Things and Habitats
Identify, group and compare some of the different plants and animals that live in a variety of habitats around the world