Unit D – School Poems

This English scheme of work for Key Stage Two gets the children to read and write tongue twisters, humorous poems and word play poetry on the theme of schools, identify word roots that can be changed by adding different prefixes and rehearse and perform a poem to the class.

Read and write tongue twisters, humorous poems and word play poetry on the theme of schools

Lesson One : Prefix Word Match

Play some word spelling games to identify and match different word roots that can be changed and expanded by the addition of a range of prefixes

Lesson Two : Word Determinants List

Select and use the correct determinants before nouns in alliterative phrases for poems about some of the special things seen and used in a school

Lesson Three : Poetry Lines

Select and record vocabulary words that can be used in lines for a poem to describe some of the different objects that are connected to the school

Lesson Four : School Questions

Select and record a set of questions that could be used when composing a short poem about some of the different things that might happen in a school

Lesson Five : Poetry Performance

Select and perform a poem about some of the special things that could happen in a school using the correct tones, expressions and actions for a performance

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