This English scheme of work for Key Stage Two gets the children to explain and model how to use descriptive vocabulary in adverts persuading families to buy different pancakes from the shops to celebrate Shrove Tuesday. The class can practise using expanded noun phrases and lists to compose sentences.

Pancake Choices

Select and use vocabulary to build expanded noun phrases to illustrate and specify toppings and fillings that can be added to different pancakes

Pancake Fillings

Identify and record how to use adjectives in expanded noun phrases to describe some of the special fillings that can be added to different pancakes

Pancake Adverts

Select and use descriptive vocabulary words in lists to advertise a range of different pancakes that families can buy to celebrate Shrove Tuesday together

  • Pancake Shopping

    Pancake Shopping

    Explain and model how to use descriptive vocabulary in adverts persuading families to buy different pancakes from the shops to celebrate Shrove Tuesday

  • Pancake Adverts

    Pancake Adverts

    Select and use descriptive vocabulary words in lists to advertise a range of different pancakes that families can buy to celebrate Shrove Tuesday together

  • Pancake Fillings

    Pancake Fillings

    Identify and record how to use adjectives in expanded noun phrases to describe some of the special fillings that can be added to different pancakes

  • Pancake Choices

    Pancake Choices

    Select and use vocabulary to build expanded noun phrases to illustrate and specify toppings and fillings that can be added to different pancakes