Household Torches

This design technology scheme of work for Key Stage Two gets the children to select and install an electrical system into a product using different materials and components to make a lighting device for families to use at home. The class can model how to incorporate an electrical circuit so that the torch can be controlled.

Select and install an electrical system into a product using different materials and components to make a lighting device for families to use at home

Lesson One : Electrical Safety
Record instructions to follow when operating devices powered by mains or battery powered electricity

Lesson Two : Electrical Circuits
Investigate and record how to use series or parallel circuits to control components in an electrical circuit

Lesson Three : Electrical Switches
Select and use materials to make a switch that can control components in an electrical circuit

Lesson Four : Reflective Materials
Identify and describe reflective materials that could be used to project light when building a torch

Lesson Five : Torch Construction
Design and make a household torch using a range of materials and a set of electrical components

Lesson Six : Torch Testing
Review the construction of household torches and suggest improvements to the finished design